Board of Directors » About the Board

About the Board

Spring Cove School District Board of Directors

Seated (L to R) John Biddle (Treasurer), Andrea Moses, Linda Smith, Betsy Baker (Superintendent), Steven Foor (Business Manager)
Standing (L to R) Kevin Smith, Chuck Gojmerac, Troy Wright (President), Misti Fisher, Gretchen Bettwy, Amy Acker-Knisely (Vice-President)
The Spring Cove School District is governed by a Board comprised of nine members elected by the citizens of the following townships and boroughs:

         Freedom Township
         Huston Township
         Martinsburg Borough
         North Woodbury Township
         Roaring Spring Borough
         Taylor Township

The Board is governed by Pennsylvania School Code and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Board acts as the agent for the residents of the Spring Cove School District in matters related to public education. The quality and performance of the school system is the Board's primary concern. The Board establishes educational goals for District students and governs a program of education designed to meet those goals. This program includes, but is not limited to, the adoption of courses of study and textbooks; and the employment of all staff members, including their wages and salaries and terms of employment. The Board is responsible for enforcing mandatory laws and regulations. The Board is committed to educating all students to the best of their individual abilities and is the agent responsible for establishing, maintaining and evaluating the public education activities of the school district, in accordance with law.
To address all members of the SCSD Board, please use [email protected]
Please direct all questions and concerns to school administration before contacting a School Board Director.





Mr. Troy Wright (President)

  [email protected]


Mrs. Amy Acker-Knisely (Vice-President)

  [email protected]


Mr. John Biddle (Treasurer)

  [email protected]


Mrs. Gretchen Bettwy

  [email protected]


Mrs. Misti Fisher

  [email protected]


Mr. Charles Gojmerac

  [email protected]


Mrs. Andrea Moses

[email protected] 


Mr. Kevin Smith

  [email protected]


Mrs. Linda Smith

 [email protected]



The Board is comprised of five committees that work to conduct the business of the District. The committees are as follows:

Educational Program Committee 
Finance and Legal Committee 
Student Services and Activities Committee 
Buildings and Grounds Committee 
Personnel and Executive Committee

The Board is served by the law firm of Beard Legal Group and the auditing firm of Ritchey, Ritchey and Koontz.